As S8-16-11-1 Participants and Staffers you will remember the story of Snaggle that Polly told at the final feast. If you haven't made friends with Snaggle you need to NOW so you can track his progress around the world.
To refresh your memory, Snaggle is a little stuffed animal that the Cub Scouts of Castlerock, Ireland have sent on a trip around the world before he attends the Olympics in London with his Irish Cubs. He has so far visited Scouts in Hong Kong and is now in Australia!
The really cool thing is that he will be visiting Harrison, Arkansas in January so you'll want to keep up with him. How do you do that? FaceBook just look for "Snaggles Olympic Tour" and you will be treated to some great pictures of Scouts entertaining this little guy.

Snaggle has been having fun in Australia and has developed an Aussie accent. Here is his message and he translated it to Irish afterwards for his Cubs!....ENJOY!!!
Subject: Snaggle has an Aussie accent
G'day Pauuul
Ow ya goin'? Its me,
Snaggle, and oym havin a bonza toym here in Straylya. Oy'v visited plenny
of grouse places loyk tha MCG an' stuff in Melbun. Oy'v been on a tram and
waited under tha Clocks at Flinders Street Station. Oy had a heck of
a good time at Luna Park and had a royd on tha Big Dippa. Now dont get ya
knickers in a knot, Oy wuznt being a galah or nothing. Tha tucker is
bonza, Oy'v had vegeymoyt on toast for brekky an' meat poys for lunch.
Akela chucks sum snags on tha barbie and oy put sum dead horse on it. It tastes
real good. Akela lives on a farm and has 50 emus in one of her
paddocks. On tha weekend oy'm gunna have a go in tha paddock with 'em and
may even royd one of her horses! Did ya know that Gembrook is famous for
growing potatoes? It has the best red soil. True dinks. Next
week oy'm gunna go to tha Cubs swimming carnival. Akela has made a pair of
bathers for me and oy look pretty kewl. She is a bonza sheila. Oy'm flat out like a lizard drinkin' with all this
travellin' round and stuff, but she'll be right. Oy'm on me pat malone
today. Tomora oy'll meet tha Chief Commissioner an' hopefully Michael
Baden Powell; B.P.'s grandson. I hope oy dun act like a stunned
mullet when oy meet him. Akela would luv ya to copy this e-mail
onto me Facebook page so everyone can hear wot oy sound loyk as a dinky die,
true blue Straylyan.
Bye for
Oi tink scon are loosin' me Oirish accent an' startin' ter
spake loike an aussie, So oi 'av translated into Oirish for
Top o'
the chuffin' marnin ter yer Paul, its me Snaggle an' oi'm 'avin' a deadly time
'ere in Australia. Oi 'av visited plennty av deadly places loike de MCG in
Melbourne. I'v been on a tram an' waited under de clocks at Flinders Street
Stashun. Oi 'ad a deadly time at Luna Park an' 'ad a beoire on de Big
Dipper. Nigh don't git vexed, oi wus behavin' meself. De grub is terrific.
oi 'av 'ad vegemite on toast for breakfast an' meat pies for lunch. Akela throws
sum sausages on de bbq an' oi put sum tomato sauce on it. it taste fabulous.
Akela lives on a farm an' 'as 50 emus in wan av 'er paddocks.
On de weekend scon are gonna enter de paddock wi' dem an' may even ride wan av
'er 'orses! Didja nu dat Gembruk is famous for growin' spuds? it 'as
master red muk. Fair dinkum. Next week oi'm gonna go ter de Cubs swimmin'
carnival. Akela 'as made a pair av togs for me an' oi luk juicy kewl. she is a
gran' lady. Oi'm ninty ter de dozen wi' al' dis travellin' roun' but i'll
be dead on, scon are by meself the-day. The-morra oi 'ill meet de Chief
Commissioner 'opefully Michael Baden Powell, B.P.'s grandson. Oi 'ope oi can
tink av somethin' ter say whaen oi meet 'imself. Akela
wud love yer ter cog dis e-mail onto me Facebuk page so everyone can 'ear waaat
oi soun' loike as an australian.
Bye for